
Accident waiting to happen?

I’m writing this blog while sitting in my local Accident & Emergency Department.  Nothing major but what a waste of time.  If only I had thought a little more about health and safety.


How to prevent accidents

I had my accident trying to put up a heavy umbrella in the garden.  What annoys me most is that I’d had exactly the same accident last year but with less blood.  Had I thought about it first, I would have asked someone else to help me.  I could have saved myself a trip to Accident and Emergency altogether.

Employers should carry out risk assessments to identify any potential risks and take steps to reduce them.  Some risks can be removed altogether.  Others will always be there but can be minimised, for instance:


Risk Action Result
Broken pavement Repair it Removes risk altogether
Lifting heavy/awkward object Training/share the load Reduces risk
Welding Training/Protective Equipment Reduces risk

The Health and Safety Executive Website has lots of information about the steps you can take to reduce risks.


How to deal with accidents

Accidents will happen.  Even a small office should have a first aid box  and an appointed person.  The appointed person makes sure the first aid box is properly stocked and takes charge if there is an accident.  You should also have an accident book.  This should be checked and signed regularly.

Depending on your business, you may need to have one or more trained first aiders.  You should consider:

  • The number of staff and visitors on site.
  • The nature of the work.
  • How easy it is for the emergency services to get to you.
  • Working patterns.
  • The needs of travelling or remote employees.

Personally I think it’s important for everyone to know a little first aid.  I know of two first aiders who have saved lives.  The Red Cross and St John’s Ambulance have training centres throughout the Country.


I’ve lost an afternoon by doing something very silly that could easily have been prevented.  What could you do to stop your employees saying the same thing?



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