
Premier League HR Issues

If you have HR issues, you are not alone. Take Arsenal Football Club.  For all their resources, their fanbase and their past success, they have their fair share of HR issues at the moment.


How HR Issues develop

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.  Looking back on Arsene Wenger’s career at Arsenal, it started off superbly.  He was a breath of fresh air.  He motivated good employees to become great again.  He brought in new working practices.  He brought a new style of management that others copied.

He won awards in the form of trophies.  He recruited brilliantly and built the amazing invincibles team.  In more recent years his performance waned.   His clients (the fans) noticed.  They stopped turning up to matches.  Time and again, great employees left.  Earnings fell as performance slumped.

Have you faced this situation?  Someone was once great at their job but now the realisation dawns – you simply have to do something about it?


 The HR Issues they currently face

Arsene Wenger is now leaving the club.  He deserves a great send off from the Club.  I am sure he will get one. It is important not to burn your bridges with staff.  Your paths may easily cross another day.

Arsenal’s HR Department will also be looking forward.  They need to recruit and attract a top candidate.  Once recruited, an employment contract will need to be drawn up.  It won’t stop there, it’s easy to see there will be further HR issues to follow once the new manager is appointed.


 HR issues of the future

A new manager will bring new ideas.  New ideas mean change.  Not everyone will welcome that.  Some may decide they want to leave.  Some may have no choice.  What won’t change is the expectations the clients will put on the club.  From day one, there will be a demand for success.  Before Arsene Wenger, Bruce Rioch found it was not an easy place to succeed.

When you break it down, the HR issues Arsenal face may not be so very different to your own.  If any of these HR issues sound familar to you, please contact me.


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