
Our top 5 employment mistakes to avoid

Whether you are looking to take on your first member of staff or have an established team, you are bound by employment law.  When you are busy running your own business, what do you need to know to keep away from employment tribunals?  Here are our top 5 important facts all employers should be aware of:

Uk_mapAnything to declare?

You must check that every new employee is eligible to work in the UK.  If you are caught employing someone illegally you could face a fine of up to £20,000 per illegal worker.

My word is my bond

Once accepted, a verbal offer of employment is legally binding.  All employees must have a written contract of employment within 2 months of starting work.

Parking ticketYou’ll pay for this!

There are some things you have to deduct from wages, such as tax and National Insurance.  However, in most cases, you need their written permission first.  For example, if you are owed money for parking fines, damage to company property or a loan, you need a written agreement.

A new piece of the jigsaw

Using terms like “mature/junior” or gender-based job titles such as “barman” could lead to a discrimination claim.

The end of the road

Even if you have caught someone red-handed with their fingers in the till, you still need to go through the correct procedure before dismissing someone.

Find out more

If you would like to find out how to avoid making these mistakes and more, please come along to my HR Hurdles course on 10th September 2014 in Hertford.

The course is designed for smaller business owners or those they trust to deal with their staffing matters.  Jargon is strictly banned and you can fire questions at me throughout.

Please click here to book your place on HR Hurdles.  There is also a separate appraisals session in the afternoon.  I hope to see you then.

Categories Disciplinary, Events, Interviewing, Staff Performance, Uncategorized