Happy talking – why conversations help your business
I always seem to be asking the same question: “have you talked to them about it?” Usually, I’m then asked: “do you think I should?” What you may be surprised about is just how many issues can be resolved with a chat. As one of my clients recently reported back “I have really won her over by simply listening [what a revelation]”
Much of our communication today uses the written word. It’s so much easier to write an Email or use social media than to pick up a phone or even walk over to someone. It’s quick, it’s finished, it’s off our desk. While Email and social media have their uses, the communication breakdown below explains why they may not always be the best way to get the message across:

As the chart above shows, written communication can only use 7% of our ability to communicate. Think of the word “yes”. Using the tone of your voice alone, how many different meanings can you get from just that one word? Now think how different your message could sound if you read it using a different tone. What may have been meant as a joke quickly becomes an insult or worse.
As for visual clues, if someone looks bored or is distracted when you are talking to them, you can clearly see this and adjust accordingly. You don’t know how quickly they have read your email or whether your message has got across. You may have already decided not to read any further with this blog. I would never know.
Communication and employees
Talking to and listening to your staff is so important. If staff feel you take their viewpoint seriously, they are more likely to feel valued and therefore motivated.
They are also working closely with your customers. They may well have some great ideas on how your business could be doing even better.
How do I start?
If you are not sure where to start, appraisals give you a great opportunity to open up a conversation. I am going to be running an appraisal training session in at the Town House in Hertford on 10th September. For more information, please click here. As with all my training sessions, you will have plenty of opportunity to fire questions at me. I always aim to make them interactive and fun.
I hope to see you there.
Categories Communication, Disciplinary, Staff Performance, Uncategorized